Random Observations on Life

Random Observations on Life

Over time, owners do resemble their dogs!

This is a blog about a dog. Well not really. This is the more about the ramblings of the dog's dutiful owner, Blue's Dad. Although Blue might be the backdrop of this whole experiment, there's no telling where this trail will lead me. I apologize ahead of time for the randomness of my observations. I've always tended to color outside the lines.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Icebergs and Judging others

One of my favorite activities in an airport is people-watching. I learned to enjoy this activity as a boy in Arkansas when my parents drove to downtown Russellville (pop 11,750 at the time), parked the car and just sat and watched the people.

In an airport, I look at everyone and think, all of these people started the day at a different house, with different family situations. They all have different challenges in life, different incomes, different attitudes. Yet all these individuals have converged at this unique place at this unique time and this event will never occur again, ever!

Wow! Too deep!

Speaking of too deep...

People are like Icebergs! Scientist say that only about 5-10% of an iceberg is seen above the surface, much like the picture below.

We interact with people everyday (at school, work, church, neighborhood) who we never really know. All we see is the 10% above the surface, but we don't know much about what's underneath: Background, fears, habits, idiosyncrasies.

This line of thinking brings me to the subject of judging others. It's really hard to make an accurate judgement of someone unless you know the other 90% that they are made up of. If we knew the part under the surface, we would have a better understanding of motivation and causation.

Joseph Smith said something like, "If you know a person's intent, then you'll know how to judge them".

Alexander Chase said, "To understand is to forgive, even one's self".

I could probably learn from these statements. Maybe if I understood why men drive big trucks, I wouldn't judge them so harshly. If I knew the back story of why couples let their little girl draw on the table, I might be more understanding. But then again, maybe not.

To be truthful, though, sometimes, I'd rather not know what's under the surface. How about you?