Random Observations on Life

Random Observations on Life

Over time, owners do resemble their dogs!

This is a blog about a dog. Well not really. This is the more about the ramblings of the dog's dutiful owner, Blue's Dad. Although Blue might be the backdrop of this whole experiment, there's no telling where this trail will lead me. I apologize ahead of time for the randomness of my observations. I've always tended to color outside the lines.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Top 10 Social Pet Peeves

I was talking to my brother Pinata the other day. I call him Pinata because sometimes I just feel like hitting him with a stick! I was talking to him about going to the top of the Stratosphere in Vegas.

"I am quite afraid of heights," I told him, then asked, "How about you?"

"Afraid of heights?" He responded, "No.... but I'm terrified of widths!"

Now you know why I call him Pinata.

I don't mean to be a complainer, so let me get my top ten list of Social Pet Peeves off my chest so I won't have to address them again.

The following is a list of things that I run across on a regular basis which make me think, do you even know you live in a world with other people, or do you just not care?

10. Parking in the fire lane at the front of the store. I remember when one of my young daughters was grocery shopping with me once, she asked, "Daddy, why do some people park there?" Knowing full well the people in the car could hear me, I answered, "Because they're lazy."

9. People not waving in appreciation when you let them in traffic.

8. Not letting you merge in traffic when there is obviously nowhere else to go and you have to merge.

7. (tie)Someone talking loudly in a movie or the people behind you in the movie kicking your seat

6. An employee at a store/restaurant/utility company etc. treating you like you are an inconvenience rather than the pure reason they have a job.

5. Non-handicapped people parking in the handicapped stalls even if they're driving their handicapped grandmother's 1977 Powder Blue Chrysler Cordova with a handicapped sticker.

4. Parents letting their kids run wild in public and looking at you as if to say aren't they cute. All the while, the unparented brood destroys aisle after aisle in a store or shatter your prescious porcelain statues of Elvis in your home.

3. Saving Seats, which I addressed in a previous post.

2. People not saying thank you when you hold a door open for them or people going through before you letting the door slam in your face.

1. Butting in Line. Absolutely nothing is more socially vomitous than this act..

Now that I have got my negative juices spewed, I am going to call Pinata and talk about rainbows, butterflies and other positive things.

I would love for you to add to this list in the comments section.


glen said...

you ask your it.

O K I'm eating my breakfast in an IHOP, or a place as good. Just as I start to take a bite the person near me blows his nose! I can't take another bite after that. Go to the rest room STUPID!

glen said...

What happened to blue's dance? and why was he waring a dress?

Blue's Dad said...

Blue's dance should still be there at the bottom. He likes to where a dress, not like there's anything wrong with that.

Phae-Jae said...

It really bothers me when people use vicks vapor rub while on the cheese isle.

That's all I've got.

You pretty much got 'em all.

I've noticed a lot of cashiers talking on cell phones lately...WHAT is up with THAT?