Random Observations on Life

Random Observations on Life

Over time, owners do resemble their dogs!

This is a blog about a dog. Well not really. This is the more about the ramblings of the dog's dutiful owner, Blue's Dad. Although Blue might be the backdrop of this whole experiment, there's no telling where this trail will lead me. I apologize ahead of time for the randomness of my observations. I've always tended to color outside the lines.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Bluesdad's Bucket List

Although I've never written it down, I do have a 'bucket list' or 'things to do before I die". Most of the items seem to be places I want to see but some are just things I want to accomplish.

Several things have already been accomplished: Walking on the Great Wall of China, visiting a Third World Country (Vietnam), getting a Graduate Degree (MBA).

Some things are in process, like visiting all 50 states by the time I'm 50 (this one may be a hard one, I've got a little over 2 years).

Some things I've given up on: playing in the NBA for example.

Some things should be relatively easy like being in Florida for a Shuttle Launch.

I'm sure many things will still be on the list when I die.

This week I crossed off another item on my list. I finished writing a novel. My list did not necessarily require it be published, but I did finish it. It took ten months and is about 84,000 words which translates into about 336 pages. It's about a man's journey to overcome the effects of a bad childhood.

I don't know if I'll pursue doing anything further with it, but sometimes things on the bucket list are more about the journey than the destination, wouldn't you say? None of these things on my list are more important than the day to day things like family that make life worth living. If I never accomplish anything else, but can be called a good dad and husband, I've accomplished all that I really need to.


Lloyd said...

Way to go, Randy!!! If you don't have any goals, you don't get anything accomplished. You are a fantastic guy and are doing alot of great things in your life. Keep up the momentum, and I would also buy your book.
The old lady in Elk Ridge.

Blue's Dad said...

Thanks young lady! I appreciate it.

glen said...

Every time I go to something like that I always say now I can die. Then I remember one more thing.
Dad always said "Before I die I would like to see all my grandchildren". He thought he had done that when he died but he missed Daniel. He would have loved that young man.

My latest thing to do ,after watching Wild Hogs, is to ride my motorcycle on the New Mexico desert roads. at 80 mph.

mindyluwho said...

I love the line that it's "more about the journey than the destination." Sometimes I get so focused on the destination that I forget to enjoy the journey. Thanks for the reminder!