Random Observations on Life

Random Observations on Life

Over time, owners do resemble their dogs!

This is a blog about a dog. Well not really. This is the more about the ramblings of the dog's dutiful owner, Blue's Dad. Although Blue might be the backdrop of this whole experiment, there's no telling where this trail will lead me. I apologize ahead of time for the randomness of my observations. I've always tended to color outside the lines.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I Found the Answer!

In a moment of epiphany today, I may have found the answer.

As you have realized by now, the majority of my blog consist of my rantings about social faux pas and the lack of manners .

As I was sitting in a restaurant today (I won't say the name but it rhymes with FryHop!), I watched a child, old enough to know better, color with crayons on the booth. The parents, instead of removing the crayon out of her hands, were praising the drawing. They were looking around to see if other people had noticed how cute and perfect their daughter was.

Then it occurred to me. This little girl will grow up to think that everything she does is ok, that she can do no wrong. She will know that everything should revolve around her. This little girl will grow up to let the door slam in my face, butt in line, and park her big truck over two parking spaces. She will do it because the world revolves around her.

Of course I'm not saying that kids shouldn't be praised. They need to know that they are loved and that we're happy with their appropriate efforts, but they also need to be taught that they are part of society and that they have a responsibility to other members of it.

I think self esteem is one of the most overused words in child rearing. Self esteem that is based solely on words from parents is a very shallow trait that will easily be destroyed in the real world. Self esteem that is rooted in the child's own efforts and accomplishments can sustain them throughout life.

If you tell little Joey that he is the world's best soccer player, when you know he isn't, it will only undermine your credibility when he realizes it. Wouldn't it be better to find something truthful like, "Wow you really tried hard and I could see you've improved since last time!"

The parents at the restaurant will probably never do that and someday when the little girl grows up, she will be the only one standing at a concert (blocking everyone's view) because It's her favorite song!

How many spoiled brats does it take to screw in a light bulb? One. They hold the bulb and the world revolves around them.


glen said...

Reminds me of your brother pinata.
I to see this often, one of the best thing prarent's can do is to teach and to expect respect of others. One thing is not to walk into a conversation and think everyone needs to stop taking because they are now there. I have seen this happen to often because their chid is so cute. No your child is rude and taught by you.

Good one bluesdad.

your brudder

glen said...

By the way. What was the question?

The Practicalist said...

You know what really bothers me? People who are standing in line in front of me. And people who are standing behind, but refuse to hold my Fluffy (who, by the way, just looks so fab with that new curl at the top of her head with the pink leather bow) so I can get my card out of my new pink leather hand bag. Like it's my fault the teller wouldn't tell me the price until AFTER he ran the things across that little beepy thing. Ewww, and did he have to actually touch it all? I mean, don't they have gloves or something, or can't you just put your stuff on the conveyor belt and let it just beep away without getting touched?

Oh, and then there's...


Oh, like you OWN this WHOLE blog thing?

I was just trying to add some real complaints.

Like kids drawing on a booth at some breakfast place is really going to kill you, huh?

And what's with breakfast all day? I mean, isn't there some kind of law or something against that?




I'm going already! Jeesh! Squelch the kids creativity...

Blue's Dad said...

The "Practicalist" has just become "Nephew Pinata"!

Blue's Dad said...

Go back to sleep, Glen

glen said...

Hey let me have a swing at the practicalist. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!

Rarely David usually Lisa said...

Why didn't you tell that little artist that you practically own that "Fry-hop" restaurant and that is "your" furniture she is drawing on?

Good observations... again.